
Why We Do What We Do?

The second amendment gives U.S. residents the right to keep and bear arms. The US Supreme Court has interpreted the second amendment to extend that right to self defense legal carry. Nowhere does it state this right is based on ethnicity, sex, country of origin, religious preference, sexual orientation, or disposable income levels. All too often, however, these factors play an important role in inhibiting people from being able to exercise this right that is guaranteed them. At Safety First we are trying to close that inequity gap by asking students to pay what they can, with the minimum charge to students only being the cost of training materials and administrative costs. We do not mark up our prices on any books.

How Does it Work?

When you sign up for one of our courses, there will be two prices listed below the course. The first price is the normal, full cost of taking the course. The second price is the minimum cost of the course. The minimum cost includes things like the cost of books (including shipping), training aids, targets, etc., along with yearly administrative costs (instructor insurance, instructor membership fees, instructor training, keeping the lights on, etc.). We ask that you pay the full price of the course if you can, but understand that not everyone has that type of disposable income. If you can’t pay the full price, we ask that you pay what you can, as long as you at least pay the minimum price listed.